Geographe Wine Show Portal

2020 Results


* Trophy not awarded
Wine of the ShowSmallwater EstateShiraz2019G7AView »
Nicholas Baudin Trophy for Excellence in Winemaking
Best Geographe White WineTalisman'Gabrielle' Chardonnay2019G2BView »
Best Geographe Red WineSmallwater EstateShiraz2019G7AView »
Best WA Alternative VarietalHarvey River EstateBarbera2020WA16AView »
Most Successful Geographe Producer
Best WA RoseWillow Bridge rosa de solanaRose2020WA17View »
Best WA Alternative White VarietalVino VoltaSo Well Then2020WA19BView »
Best WA TempranilloGreen Door WinesAmphora Reserva Tempranillo2018WA12BView »
Best WA Alternative Red Varietal other than TempranilloHarvey River EstateBarbera2020WA16AView »
Best WA Alternative RoseWillow Bridge rosa de solanaRose2020WA17View »
Best Geographe Rosé No Winner Awarded
Best Geographe Fortified or Dessert StyleSt AidanZenaNVG6View »
Best Geographe Sweet Table WineHarvey River EstateMoscato2020G5View »
Best Geographe SparklingWillow Bridge DragonflyBlanc de blanc2020G4View »
Best Geographe White BlendWillow Bridge BookendsSauvignon Blanc Semillon2019G3BView »
Best Geographe White VarietalDream Bird WinesGiggling Gerty Riesling2020G1AView »
Best Geographe ChardonnayTalisman'Gabrielle' Chardonnay2019G2BView »
Best Geographe Red BlendMillbrook WineryRegional Grenache Shiraz Mourvedre2019G10AView »
Best Geographe Red VarietalTalismanMerlot2019G9View »
Best Geographe CabernetFerguson FallsCabernet Sauvignon2018G8BView »
Best Geographe ShirazSmallwater EstateShiraz2019G7AView »
Showing 1 - 23 of 23


#Class Name
G1ADry white varietal other than Chardonnay, non alternative (lighter bodied, young, fresh)View »
G1BDry white varietal other than Chardonnay, non alternative (medium-full bodied, textural, luscious)View »
G2AChardonnay (lighter bodied, young, fresh)View »
G2BChardonnay (med-full, textural, luscious)View »
G3ADry white blends - non alternative (young, fresh, crisp)View »
G3BDry white blends - non alternative (medium to fuller bodied, textural, luscious)View »
G4SparklingView »
G5Sweet Wines - non alternative (white/pink sweet table wines such as Moscato)View »
WA18Specialty alternative (eg Sparkling, Pétillant naturel, sweet style, dessert style, fortified)View »
WA19AAlternative white - dry white alternative varieties and blends (lighter bodied, young, fresh)View »
WA19BAlternative white - dry white alternative varieties and blends (medium to full bodied, textural, luscious)View »
Showing 1 - 11 of 11


#Class Name
G6Fortified, dessert style winesView »
G7AShiraz (youthful, fresh, juicy)View »
G7BShiraz (more structured)View »
G8ACabernet Sauvignon (youthful, fresh, juicy)View »
G8BCabernet Sauvignon (more structured)View »
G9Other red varietals - non alternativeView »
G10ARed blends - non alternative (youthful, fresh, juicy)View »
G10BRed blends - non alternative (more structured)View »
G11Rosé - non alternative (dry styles)View »
WA12AAlternative Red - Tempranillo (youthful, fresh, juicy)View »
WA12BAlternative Red - Tempranillo (more structured)View »
WA13Alternative Red - ZinfandelView »
WA14Alternative Red - MalbecView »
WA15Alternative Red - MourvèdreView »
WA16AAlternative Red - Other medium bodied varieties and blends. View »
WA16BAlternative Red - Other fuller bodied varieties and blends View »
WA17Alternative Rosé (dry style)View »
Showing 1 - 17 of 17

Other Styles

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